UNEP Partnerships Project


Stakeholder Forum was commissioned by the Major Groups and Stakeholders Branch at the United Nations Environment Programme to conduct an analysis of how to enhance the role of Major Groups and Stakeholders in UNEP’s Programme of Work 2010-11.

UNEP actively engages a range of civil society and non-governmental actors in the development of policies that govern its work, as well as in implementing the objectives of the agency. Stakeholder Forum worked with the Major Groups and Stakeholders Branch to identify further opportunities for the engagement of non-governmental actors in implementation of UNEP’s strategic goals, as well as assessing the institutional requirements to make this happen.

Stakeholder Forum interviewed over 30 staff members across a range of UNEP’s divisions, as well as liaising and consulting with Major Groups representatives for input and feedback. Its recommendations were also considered in the development of UNEP ‘s Policy on Partnerships.

Stakeholder Forum presented the findings of the research at the UNEP Global Civil Society Forum and Global Ministerial Environment Forum in Nairobi, February 2009. Hannah Stoddart, who conducted the research for the paper, was the keynote speaker.


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