Category: Books

Sustaineo2030 Web-200

Sustaineo 2030:Learning sustainable development from the future

Thought-provoking “what-if” scenario describes a society founded on concepts of sustainable development In the year 2030, one country has translated today’s better-governance efforts into a political and administrative system. The Bertelsmann Stiftung, Stakeholder Forum...


Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity: A Planet in Peril

“Biodiversity and Ecosystem Insecurity: A Planet in Peril” has been produced by Stakeholder Forum and edited by Ahmed Djoghlaf and Felix Dodds and includes chapters by:Gusti Muhammad Hatta, Thomas E. Lovejoy, Craig Bennett, Johan...


Governance for Sustainable Development

As the process of globalisation continues and power imbalances between decision-making institutions become increasinlgy apparent, the need for a critical assessment of the way in which we manage our interaction with the natural environment...


Earth Summit II : Outcomes and analysis

In June 1997, heads of government and senior representatives from over 130 countries met in New York to consider what progress had been made since the first Earth Summit in 1992, and la decide...


How to Lobby at Intergovernmental Meetings

Stakeholder Forum has gathered its expertise into a helpful publication that helps to demystify UN processes for individuals and organisations who are looking to influence policy negotiations at an international level.