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Global Environmental League Tables(a) Stakeholder Forum has produced a series of Global League Tables on countries’ commitments to Multilateral Environmental Agreements, which can be...
Global Environmental League Tables(a) Stakeholder Forum has produced a series of Global League Tables on countries’ commitments to Multilateral Environmental Agreements, which can be...
The latest issue of Blue Diamonds is now available and focuses on resilience of coastal ecosystems to climate change. The concept of resilience can be understood as the ability of an ecological or social...
On the 18-19th March the Asian Development Bank hosted the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) 2010 Partnership Forum in Manila, Philippines. The meeting provided one of the first opportunities for stakeholders, including NGOs, Indigenous Peoples...
As the process of globalisation continues and power imbalances between decision-making institutions become increasinlgy apparent, the need for a critical assessment of the way in which we manage our interaction with the natural environment...
The UN GA resolution establishing the 2012 Earth Summit to be held in Brazil identifies the international governance for sustainable development as one of the overarching priority thematic areas.
Prepared for the Roundtable on Environmental Sustainability at the UN High Level Event (HLE) on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on 25th September 2008, this report provides synthesises of stakeholder inputs into the meeting....
Stakeholder Forum was commissioned by the Major Groups and Stakeholders Branch at the United Nations Environment Programme to conduct an analysis of how to enhance the role of Major Groups and Stakeholders in UNEP’s...