Green Policy
Stakeholder Forum’s Green Policy
Stakeholder Forum for a sustainable future is an international multi-stakeholder organisation working on sustainable development, and exists to support the increased involvement of stakeholders in international and national governance processes.
We recognise that in meeting these aims our work has an adverse effect on the environment, and we are committed to minimising this at all opportunities.
As such, this policy provides a framework to minimise the environmental impact of our work, following the principles of sustainable development, as we strive to be an example to those who work with us.
Waste Avoidance
- Use of electronic communication, both internally and externally.
- Communication between staff and Board shall be by e-mail or telephone wherever possible, minimising travel to and from the office.
- Communication of documents between staff shall be by email wherever possible.
- Stakeholder Forum will strive to use ‘virtual conferencing’ wherever possible.
- Employees will print or copy documents only when absolutely necessary, and when they do so, will print double sided.
- Paper and other office supplies shall be reused wherever possible.
- Energy saving equipment, such as long-life light bulbs, shall be used at all opportunities.
- We shall ensure only those electrical appliances being used are switched on, and ensure all possible appliances are switched off at night.
- We will continually explore new opportunities for increasing energy efficiency.
- Where paper cannot be reused, it shall be recycled.
- Other waste, including electronic equipment, shall be recycled wherever possible.
- Wherever waste cannot be recycled, it shall be disposed of in the most environmentally sound way possible.
- We will only purchase recycled office supplies and stationary.
- Our publications will be printed on recycled materials wherever possible.
- We will only purchase timber from sustainable sources.
- We shall work with our suppliers to ensure that they too work to minimise the environmental impact of their products and transportation.
- Stakeholder Forum shall encourage staff to travel to and from work using public transport.
- As we are an international organisation, air travel is an inescapable part of our work.
- Accepting this, we will continue to explore and use alternative forms of transport whenever possible.
- Stakeholder Forum will measure its carbon emissions using Key Travel’s carbon emissions calculator. These emissions will be offset by directly investing in a community-based carbon reducing initiative.