Monthly Archive: January 2011


Outreach at the UNCSD 2012 Intersessional

  Outreach is a multi-stakeholder magazine which is published daily at UNCSD 2012 preparatory meetings. Capturing stakeholder voices at the first Intersessaional for Rio+20, two editions of Outreach were produced at the conference and...



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sf news 24/01/11

SF Week Date of publication News 8 23rd February 2011 Climate Investment Fund Update In the past weeks, the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Administrative Unit has been in close consultation with the African Development...


sdg2012 Think Pieces

New: Sustainable Development Council: A better Rio+20 outcome than reforming ECOSOC?-By Jan-Gustav Strandenaes Sustainable Development Councils at National and Sub-National Levels Stimulating Informed Debate: Stocktaking – By Ingeborg Niestroy SCP Governance, Sustainable Consumption and...



SDG2012 is Stakeholder Forum’s programme on Sustainable Development Governance (SDG) towards Rio+20. The programme includes our work as secretariat for the sustainable development network which is managed by the Climate and Sustainability Platform, ANPED...