Post-Rio to Post-2015: planning international stakeholder engagement (20-21 October 2012, New Yortk)

The event ‘Post-Rio to Post-2015: Planning International Stakeholder Engagement’ brought together Major Groups and Stakeholders to identify entry points for their involvement in the follow-up processes of Rio+20 and discuss ways to enhance multi-stakeholder engagement in the Post-2015 development agenda. In addition, international representatives of Major Groups and stakeholders looked at:

  • The wide range of outcomes from Rio+20, including assessment of the successes of and implications for the Major Groups model of participation;
  • The role of Major Groups and other stakeholders in the implementation of Rio+20 outcomes;
  • The new governance architecture post Rio+20, including the space for engagement and the role of stakeholders;
  • The post-2015 development agenda, in particular the Major Groups’ role in the design and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);
  • Stakeholder inputs into UNEP’s Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum to be held in February 2013, as well as the 20th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD 20) in May 2013.


Key conclusion: Working with governments, the UN System and other stakeholders, we must seek to achieve coherence and integration across all decision-making processes within the post-Rio+20 and the post-2015 development agenda time period. To read the full statement click here


A summary of the event’s presentations, panel discussions and working groups.To read the summary click here.


This edition includes articles on the event’s five themes: governance architecture; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); the green economy; the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production; and implementation and delivery of the Rio+20 outcomes MORE.


As part of the stakeholder engagement consultation for the Post-Rio to Post-2015 Conference, Stakeholder Forum conducted a global survey to collect perspectives on the model of stakeholder engagement and the five thematic areas of the conference. To read the paper click here


Preentations from Farooq Ullah, Pedro Teles and Chantal-Line Carpentier. MORE.


Under each of the conference’s working groups, participants will discuss the relevant paragraphs of “The Future We Want” and the following the event’s five themes (Means of Implementation, Green Economies, Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD), the Sustainable Development Goals and the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production). MORE.


Think pieces on the event’s five themes. MORE

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