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Informal Informals
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19th March 2012 |
Note from the Editor
With only 93 days to Rio, the next week and a half of negotiations will prove vital to how the discussions are framed in June. Over the next three months, the Outreach team will be tracking the negotiations, engaging stakeholders, covering events and gathering articles, to provide rich daily insights for those attending the negotiations and those following from afar writes Georgie Macdonald, Stakeholder Forum… More |
93 Days to Rio and counting – our call for action
Last week we reached the daunting milestone of 100 days until the Rio+20 Summit. With time running out, it is now up to us – governments, UN, civil society, business, NGO’s and youth – to drive momentum and discussions, build a greater sense of urgency and ambition to make Rio a success with a substantial agreement and concrete outcomes, writes Felix Dodds, Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum… More |
Sustainability Needs Cities
It is a widely-held view that progress on sustainable development has been too slow, and not adequate relative to the scale of the challenges we face. So the ‘holy grail’, for a growing cadre of sustainability advocates, is to drive the creation and implementation of solutions with ever-greater speed and scale. But how do we do that? asks Chris Günther, Senior Associate SustainAbility… More |
Beyond Green Buildings: creating different ways of living
An interview with Pooran Desai, co-founder of BioRegional.
Improving the energy efficiency of buildings will not deliver the vital step change in carbon savings that we need for true sustainability unless wider societal change takes place, according to Pooran Desai, the co-founder of the organisation that was instrumental in delivering the UK’s best known sustainable community Beddington Zero Energy Development (BedZED)…. More
Natural History Museums in a changing world
The agenda of Rio+20 underlines three inexorably interlinked domains. These include how we adapt and mitigate the environmental changes caused by an increasingly human-influenced world, and how we ensure sustainable and equitable development for the wellbeing of people across the globe. The third and less recognised domain is that of biodiversity and its loss, writes Bob Bloomfield, Head of Innovation and Special Projects, The Natural History Museum … More |
Cities – why understanding their governance is key to sustainability
It is widely recognised that the rate of urbanisation in the next 40 years is equivalent to development of the last 4000 years. The sheer pace and scale, combined with challenges such as: an increasing population, rapidly increasing urbanisation, the need to adapt to a changing climate and growing resource constraints, is forcing us to rethink our strategies for the built environment, writes Paul Toyne, Head of Sustainability, WSP Group…More |
Sustainable + Just Cities
Now that more than half of the world’s population lives in cities, sustainable urbanization is an important new opportunity for the UN’s efforts to advance sustainable development. The purpose of the Sustainable and Just Cities forum is to ensure that sustainable and equitable urban development strategies are a core focus for the 2012 Rio+20 Conference and future UN initiatives…. More |
Quote of the day
We knew the problems, we knew most of the answers – but we failed to scale them up to deliver what was needed.
Felix Dodds, Executive Director, Stakeholder Forum
Outreach is a multi-stakeholder magazine which is published daily at Rio+20 Intersessional and Preparatory Meetings. The articles written are intended to reflect those of the authors alone or where indicated a coalition’s opinion. An individual’s article is the opinion of that author alone, and does not reflect the opinions of all stakeholders.
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