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1 26th March 2012 Watch Outreach Podcasts

The Future We Do Not Want

The text that has emerged from the first week of Rio+20 negotiations has become a monstrosity, writes Derek Osborn, President, Stakeholder Forum. The already inadequate Zero Draft has emerged festooned with bracketed amendments, whose general tendency is profoundly negative…. More


Excerpts from the summary report of the Major Groups Expert Meeting

On Saturday 24th March, all Major Groups met to reflect on the negotiations and identify shared inter-major group themes for advocacy, by civil society as oneMore


Concrete institutional proposals to improve political decision-making

If there is one thing that we could learn from the recurring economic, social and environmental crises, it is that we must start reacting to these challenges according to the level of impact. We must address root causes, rather than provide short-term and superficial solutions, write Sebastien Duyck and Alice VincentMore


Committing to the future we want: a High Commissioner for Future Generations at Rio+20

Paragraph 57 of the Zero Draft refers to the creation of an Ombudsperson or High Commissioner for Future Generations. But it is too weak, writes Halina Ward, Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development. Currently the draft would commit States only ‘to further consider’ the establishment of a High Commissioner for Future Generations ‘to promote sustainable development’… More


What kind of institutional structure might best help advance sustainable development

Sustainable development advocates have long argued that the current institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD) needs reform, writes Simon Hoiberg Olsen, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). Neither the Commission for Sustainable Development, nor the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), have been able to successfully integrate sustainable development decision making into the UN system… More

Reforming UNEP: the need is clear

Forty years after its founding date, despite unpredictable and insufficient funding, UNEP has been able to maintain its function as the watchdog of the global environment, write Matthew Reading-Smith and Jan Gustav Strandenaes, Stakeholder Forum. However, without universal membership or an increase in budget, its capacity has been spread thin and it still struggles to be recognised as the paramount organisation working for the global environment… More

Implementing Sustainable Development in an Intergrated Manner: From the Local to Global Level

It is clear that humanity is far from living sustainably on planet earth, writes Rob Wheeler, UN Representative. We do very few things in a fully sustainable manner; and thus need to make changes across the board. Fortunately there are plenty of examples, best practices and success stories, in pretty much all sectors, that demonstrate how we can adopt more sustainable practices… More

Public participation in MEAs compliance: A proposal to improve the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development

We, present generations, are facing unprecedented environmental challenges, writes Ana Barreira,IIDMA. The actions of past and present generations not only have impacts in our time, but also affect future generations, who are unable to have their voices heard in the Rio+20 discussions… More

Interview: José Luis Balmaceda

Opening speaker at the Workshop on Improving the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development, held on Sunday, 25th March… More

Open, inclusive and accountable governance: Playing Jekyll & Hde with the Zero Draft

The previous week has been a hive of activity in New York for UN delegates negotiating the text of the Rio+20 political document. Twenty years after the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, governments are saying that they want an ambitious, action oriented, and strong agenda setting document, writes Lalanath de Silva, The Access Initiative. But, as they scramble to make something out of an anniversary meeting, it is fast becoming the opposite… More

News from the Negotiations – Synthesis of Plenary Sessions Friday, 23rd March

On Friday, Key Thematic Areas, Sustainable Development Goals and Means of Implementation were addressed and the First Reading was concluded, writes Christine von Weizsäcker, WECF and Ecoropa. Chemicals and Waste were separated. Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns faces the challenges of decreasing resource use, whilst increasing human well-being… More.

Quote of the day

We cannot talk seriously about the environment without first acknowledging the rights of nature.

Eduardo Gudynas, Senior Researcher, Latin American Center of Social Ecology (CLAES)

Outreach is a multi-stakeholder magazine which is published daily at Rio+20 Intersessional and Preparatory Meetings. The articles written are intended to reflect those of the authors alone or where indicated a coalition’s opinion. An individual’s article is the opinion of that author alone, and does not reflect the opinions of all stakeholders.

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