If your organisation has news or an announcement, or you would like to contribute to the Earth Summit 2012 Blog, please send your entry to [email protected] The entry could share information about an event, meeting, report/article or reflect on the Earth Summit 2012 process itself.
Rio+20 Registration Deadline
This is a very important message for all of you who will be going to Rio.The registration deadline for Rio+20 has been extended to Sunday 20 May 2012. All activities held in Rio Centro – the formal space for the negotiations – will require you to be registered to gain access. This includes side events and the Dialogue Days in between the final prep com and the Rio Summit. More. |
Outreach magazine – invitation for articles
Stakeholder Forum will be publishing its Outreach magazine at the third round of ‘informal informal’ negotiations on the Outcome Document, 29th May – 2nd June, in New York and invites you to contribute material to be included in the magazine. More |
Pocket Guide to Sustainable Development Governance Second Edition
This guide was jointly initiated by Stakeholder Forum and the Commonwealth Secretariat in response to the perceived ‘knowledge gap’ on the history and dynamics of global governance for sustainable development. More
New Sustainable Development Goals Section of Earth Summit 2012 Website
A proposed outcome of Rio+20 is for policymakers to adopt a series of universal sustainable development goals (SDGs). The purpose of SDGs is to address the broad challenges of poverty eradication, environmental protection and sustainable consumption and production. The SDGs address the shortcomings and challenges of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and promise to provide the foundation for a global green economy. The exact content of the SDGs will be decided in the Rio+20 process and be integrated into the successive framework for MDGs. More |
Rio+20 Side Events Announced
More than 500 on-site side events organized by Governments, Major Groups, Organizations from the UN system and other International Organizations will take place in RioCentro during Prepcom III (13-15 June), the Sustainable Development Dialogue Days (16-19 June) and the Summit (20-22 June). Please see below the preliminary programme of on-site side events in RioCentro.. More |
Discussion Papers on Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability
The Rio+20 negotiations are bringing an opportunity to discuss some aspects of the accountability of corporations by calling governments to implement a global framework for corporate sustainability reporting. This would require large companies to publish sustainability information (data on economic, environmental and social impacts) as part of their reporting cycle. More
Leading Civil Society Groups Call Governments to Agree on a Global Framework of Rules to Strengthen Corporate Reporting
A group of leading international humanitarian, development, social justice, environmental, and workers’ organisations today warned that next month’s UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) looks set to add almost nothing to global efforts to deliver sustainable development. More |
National Implementation of the Rio Outcomes: Building a Network of National Councils for Sustainable Development
Rio+20 has been touted as a conference of implementation. As June approaches, it will be increasingly important to consider how the various initiatives and agreements agreed at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) can be carried forward and implemented on the ground.. More |
Blog: Will Agriculture Make it at Rio + 20?
UN negotiations are always complex, but Rio+20 has an unusually complicated agenda. Sustainable development by its nature is broad, combining social, economic, and environmental dimensions. The negotiating text covers the concept of the Green Economy, which is by no means an accepted term, and has met with strong G77 criticism for its lack of focus on poverty eradication and related social issues. More |
What Happens on Monday
Riding on the wave of momentum generated from Conferences and Summits is something that we all aim for – to go home and set in motion all the plans that will support the outcomes and achieve the commitments made, and to set to task to create the future that they want, writes Kirsty Schneeberger, Stakeholder Forum. History shows us, however, that despite all best intentions, when one thousand flowers bloom, they do not always all survive. More |
“Only One Earth – The Long Road via Rio to Sustainable Development” book available soon
Forty years after Stockholm, the goal of sustainable development continues via the Rio+20 conference in 2012. This book will enable a broad readership to understand what has been achieved in the past forty years and what hasn’t. It shows the continuing threat of our present way of living to the planet. It looks to the challenges that we face twenty years from the Rio Earth Summit, in particular in the areas of economics and governance and the role of stakeholders. It puts forward a set of recommendations that the international community must address now and in the future. It reminds us of the planetary boundaries we must all live within and what needs to be addressed in the next twenty years for democracy, equity and fairness to survive. More |
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Córdoba Dialogue Citizenship for a Sustainable Planet
Córdoba Dialogue Citizenship for a Sustainable Planet