Paper on the convergence of the Post-MDG and SDG decision-making processes
This paper has been produced by Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future and CAFOD as part of their work on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. The objective of this paper is to inform the debate about the need for convergence and coherence between the two primary processes which together constitute the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
Member States at the United Nations (UN) and stakeholders globally are currently mobilised around two important processes: post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Post-2015 Development Agenda has become an umbrella term for both processes.
Both processes, post-MDG and SDGs, have poverty eradication within the context of sustainable development as a primary objective, with the aim of using a global goal framework to achieve this. There is now broad agreement among many Member States that the two processes should be brought together to create one set of goals.
This paper proposes that to build on the existing political energy and to avoid confusion and duplication of efforts, one process is needed going forward that will create a single post-2015 process and lead to a unified sustainable development framework for poverty eradication, characterised by one set of global goals. This needs to happen from September 2013.