UNEP: Building a New Governance Model for Environmental Sustainability
Hundreds of environment ministers, decision makers, scientists, civil society representatives and business leaders met from 18-22 February 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya for the United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) first universal session of the Governing Council. The purpose of the Governing Council was to review important and emerging policy issues in the field of the environment and to start implementing the agreements reached at the Rio+20 Conference.
The Paper “Building a New Governance Model for Environmental Sustainability” outlines how the Rio+20 outcome document, UN General Assembly and recent Governing Council has strengthened UNEP.
Jorge Laguna Celis prepared this paper in his personal capacity and the views expressed do not necessairly reflect the views of the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations. There is no renumeration or honorarium associated with the preperation or publishing of this paper.