World Resources Instiute calls for submissions to the World Resources Report

The World Resources Report (WRR) is looking for contributions from developing country practitioners and officials, working in sectors at the forefront of climate impacts.

The WRR is produced by WRI in collaboration with its partners – United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank.

The next World Resources Report, WRR 2010: Decision Making in a Changing Climate will focus on the challenges faced by decision makers having to respond to the demands of climate change impacts: surprise, variability; time lags and uncertainty. The deadline is February, 28th 2011.

WRR is using a new approach for its next topic – a highly interactive research process. The full range of research material, from commissioned policy papers to in-country scenario exercises to in-person roundtables to target case studies are all posted on the WRR web site at

Please use this site to provide comments and engage in further discussion and additional contributions.

For instance, there are 4 questions for which they would like to get your feedback (Please visit the relevant webpages to see the full question)

  1. Does climate change require new approaches to making decisions?

  2. How can we balance today’s pressing needs with long term risks?

  3. How can development agencies help vulnerable countries adapt effectively?

  4. Must we fundamentally change course to conserve ecosystems in a changing climate?

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