Climate Investment Funds (CIF) 2011 Partnerships Forum
Open call for developing country representatives from NGOs, Indigenous Peoples and the private sector to attend the CIF Partnership Forum 2011, 24 – 25 June, Cape Town, South Africa
On behalf of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Administrative Unit, we are pleased to inform you that the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum, originally scheduled for Tunisia in March, has been rescheduled and will held in Cape Town, South Africa, on 24-25, June. Applications are have now reopened for NGOs, Indigenous Peoples and Private Sector representatives from developing countries to apply to be sponsored to attend the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum.
About the CIF The CIF are a unique pair of financing instruments designed to support low-carbon and climate-resilient development through scaled-up financing channelled through the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, and World Bank Group. Click here for more information. |
The CIF 2011 Partnership Forum, hosted by the African Development Bank, aims to ensure that the CIF effectively shares lessons and fully engages stakeholders to contribute to the CIF’s strategic directions, results and impacts.
At the request of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Administrative Unit, Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future is supporting the mobilisation and engagement of stakeholders for the CIF Partnership Forum 2011.
As well as supporting NGO, Indigenous Peoples and Private Sector ‘Active Observers’ to attend the meeting, the CIF Administration Unit based at the World Bank will be funding a number of stakeholder representatives from developing countries to attend the meeting to ensure a wide range of voices are represented.
The selection process
Stakeholder Forum is supporting the self-selection process, and together with an Advisory Group for NGOs and Indigenous Peoples, and a separate Private Sector advisory group, has generated two sets of criteria for selecting representatives from developing countries to attend the meeting. Both of these include regional balance, gender balance and relevant knowledge and experience of the CIF programme areas. The selection criteria for developing country representatives from NGOs (including Indigenous Peoples) is available here and the selection criteria for Private Sector stakeholders is available here.
The following two forms will collect information from all of the applicants in accordance with the self-selection criteria. Completing the form should take no more than 10 minutes. The deadline for applications is Tuesday 3 May. You will be informed of the outcome of your application by 17 May, 2011.
Reviewing the self-selection process of Observers to CIF Committees and effectiveness of stakeholder participation
The CIF Partnership Forum 2011 will also provide an opportunity for stakeholders to review the self-selection process of Observers to CIF Committees and the effectiveness of stakeholder engagement with the CIF. An event for stakeholders will be held to review a set of recommendations from previous consultations to further enhance meaningful participation of non-profit civil society and the private sector with the CIF.
To view the most recent review and recommendations click here. For the Summary of the Co-Chairs Joint Meeting of the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and Strategic Climate Fund (SCF) Trust Fund Committees click here. More information on this opportunity will be provided closer to the conference dates.
Register your interest in becoming an Observer to the CIF decision-making committees for the 2011-2013 period
Developing and developed country representatives from non-profit civil society, Indigenous Peoples groups and the private sector are welcome to register their interest in becoming an Observer to the CIF decision-making committees for the 2011-2013.
Click here for more information on the role of CIF Observers.
Other ways to get involved in the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum
Stakeholder Forum will be producing Outreach, a multi-stakeholder magazine on the environment and sustainable development at the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum. Outreach is a space for stakeholders to express their views and opinions in article format. Articles on various topics are welcome such as; your previous experience with the CIF pilot programmes or processes; or other climate change and climate finance issues relevant to the CIF.
Articles should be between 650-800 words (+image if available). To submit articles for publication in Outreach, please email Nicola Williams at [email protected]
If you would like to receive Outreach during the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum, please follow the link here.