Climate Investment Funds (CIF) 2010 Partnerships Forum
At the request of the Climate Investment Fund (CIF) Administration Unit, Stakeholder Forum supported the mobilisation and engagement of stakeholders for the CIF 2010 Partnership Forum in Manila. |
The Climate Investment Funds are a pair of financing instruments designed to support low-carbon and climate-resilient development through scaled-up financing channelled through the African Development Bank , Asian Development Bank , European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank , and World Bank Group. The Funds are made up of the Clean Technology Fund and the Strategic Climate Fund. The CIF 2010 Partnership Forum, 18th and 19th March 2010, sought to provide a space to share lessons learned from the CIF initial design process and from early implementation of the CIF-funded projects. It provided an opportunity for stakeholders to interact with one another and governments, and to inform the decision-making process. In preparation for the CIF 2010 Partnership Forum, Stakeholder Forum:
During the CIF 2010 Partnership Forum, Stakeholder Forum also:
Stakeholder Forum will again support the preparatory process to encourage effective engagement at the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum, hosted by the African Development Bank in Tunis, Tunisia. APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN FOR FUNDING TO ATTEND THE CIF PARTNERSHIP FORUM 2011