A closing message from the CIF Administrative Unit
The December 2011 Durban climate negotiations loom ahead as a next stepping stone toward sealing a global deal on climate action. In the meantime, over the past few days the Cape Town gathering of stakeholders at the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Partnership Forum has made clear that a number of developing countries have already gotten serious work on climate action underway… More |
2 Days @ The CIF 2011 Partnership Forum
The December 2011 Durban climate negotiations loom ahead as a next stepping stone toward sealing a global deal on climate action. In the meantime, over the past few days the Cape Town gathering of stakeholders at the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Partnership Forum has made clear that a number of developing countries have already gotten serious work on climate action underway… More |
Growing Forest Partnerships – putting ‘bottom-up’ into practice
A ‘bottom-up’ approach to the sustainable management of forests with local people is the kernel aim of an initiative that could provide lessons learnt for the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Forest Investment Programe on harnessing the voices of community stakeholders, writes Grazia Piras from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)… More |
Women excluded from climate change projects in Africa
Gender barriers prevent women across the developing world access funds for communities dealing with the effects of climate change, writes Kristin Palitza. Of the millions of dollars spent on climate change projects in developing countries, little has been allocated in a way that will benefit women. Yet, in Africa, it is women who will be most affected by climate change… More |
The Future of Forests and Forestry in Asia and the Pacific?
What will the forests of Asia and the Pacific look like in 2020? Will deforestation and forest degradation trends be reversed across the region? Will there be enough timber to meet expanding regional demands in the coming years? What will be the priorities for forest management? What impacts will REDD+ and payments for environmental services likely have on how forests are valued and managed? Who will be making key decisions about forests in ten years time? These are some of the questions being asked in a report by representatives of the Food and Agriculture Organisations (FAO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, bringing to light key findings across the region and in recipient countries of the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) interventions… More |
Podcast: How does the CIF fit, in the climate finance puzzle?
Live from the Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Partnership Forum in Cape Town, South Africa from 24 – 25 June 2011, Stakeholder Forum Radio recorded three radio programs in the format of roundtable debates, bringing in experts with a diverse range of views and perspectives to discuss some of the issues and challenges relating to the CIFs… More |
Podcast: Building forest governance and stakeholder capacity – are we REDD+ ready?
In the second programme in the series the focus was on the REDD agenda and forest governance. REDD stands for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation. Sometimes you will also hear reference to REDD Plus – the plus stands for afforestation also being included within the overall agenda. Broadly speaking the objective of REDD is to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, and take action to manage forests sustainably… More |
Available Literature on the Climate Investment Funds
The Outreach team has pulled together a list of available literature by representatives from Universities, UN bodies, Governments, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), the CIF Administrative Unit, the private sector and civil society groups. If you have a publication you would like added to this list please email [email protected]… More |
Quote of the day
This Forum is all about learning and sharing different perspectives. We have heard about the emerging lessons of the CIF programs as well as the governance structure and process to identify pilot countries […]The learning lessons have covered a broad range of topics including climate science, climate finance and policy, clean technology, innovations in resilience and the essential roles for all stakeholder.
Renosi Mokate, World Bank Group Executive Board Member and CIF 2011 Partnership Forum Co-chair
Outreach is a multi-stakeholder magazine which is published daily at the CIF 2011 Partnership Forum. The articles written are intended to reflect those of the authors alone or where indicated a coalition’s opinion. An individual’s article is the opinion of that author alone, and does not reflect the opinions of all stakeholders.
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