UN High Level Event on the Millennium Development Goals (a)
Stakeholder Forum was supported by the UK Department for International Development to conduct a global stakeholder consultation on the 7th Millennium Development Goal (MDG7) for the High Level Event on the MDGs in September 2008. |
In 2008, having crossed the halfway point towards 2015, the deadline for achieving the MDGs, the United Nations Secretary General and the President of the UN General Assembly jointly called for a High-Level Event on the status of the MDGs. The meeting took place at the UN Headquarters in New York on 25th September 2008. The over-arching aim of the MDG High Level Event was to bring together governments, civil society and representatives from the private sector to:
- review the progress already made towards achieving the Goals and associated targets
- identify policy and implementation gaps
- produce concrete efforts, resources and mechanisms to bridge those gaps.
The meeting aimed to generate commitments from world leaders to ‘announce their specific plans and proposals’ and as such send a clear message to the Doha Review Conference.
Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future was commissioned by the UK Department for International Development (UF DFID) to conduct a consultation with global stakeholders in preparation for the High Level Event on the Millennium Development Goals on (MDGs) 25th September 2008.
Stakeholder Forum consulted global stakeholders on issues relevant for the Roundtable on Environmental Sustainability, which was one of three Roundtables that took place parallel to the plenary session. Stakeholder Forum produced a consultation survey that was completed by 45 respondents. The consultation process was done with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the synthesis report from the consultation can be downloaded here.
More detailed information on the MDG High Level Event and the consultation conducted by Stakeholder Forum can be found at the website specifically dedicated to the task: http://mdg.stakeholderforum.org