esnn 22/09/11



If your organisation has news or an announcement, or you would like to contribute to the Earth Summit 2012 Blog, please send your entry to [email protected] The entry could share information about an event, meeting, report/article or reflect on the
Earth Summit 2012 process itself.

 Earth Blog: Relevance of a ‘Green economy’ to Uganda: Addressing the Energy Challenges by Kimbowa Richard

While the discussion around ‘green economy in the context of poverty eradication and sustainable development, has gained ground globally, it is less pronounced here in Uganda. Part of the problem is that the Conference seems ‘still far’ compared to other biting needs such as the mounting fuel, food and energy prices and the political debates that are preoccupying the mainstream media and public discussions. More

 Your Chance to Input to the Bonn2011 Nexus Conference

As part of the consultation process towards the “Bonn2011 Conference: The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for a Green Economy”, Stakeholder Forum in collaboration with the Federal Government of Germany invites you to participate in a stakeholders’ survey on the interconnections between water, energy and food security, and the challenges to undertaking a multisectoral approach that guarantees sustainable long-term supply and equitable access to all three resources. More

No 10’s response to NGO Rio+20 Letter

The British Prime Minister David Cameron has replied to the letter written in June from UK NGOs calling for leadership on Rio+20. More

Declaration from the 64th Annual United Nations DPI NGO conference now available

The 64th Annual United Nations DPI NGO conference, which took place in Bonn 3 -5 September, 2011 has produced a declaration entitled “Sustainable Societies: Responsive Citizens”.More

Stakeholder Forum Releases Synthesis Document from ‘Towards Bonn2011 Conference: The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for the Green Economy’ Workshop at the UN DPI NGO Conference  

Stakeholder Forum has today released a synthesis document from the UN/DPI workshop ‘Towards Bonn 2011 Conference: The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus – Solutions for the Green Economy’, which formed part of the stakeholder engagement process for the Bonn2011 Nexus Conference, and represented an opportunity for civil society organizations to contribute to the debate around water, energy and food security. More

UK Government: ‘Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy: government and business working together’

The UK government has produced a new publication on the green economy: ‘Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy: government and business working together’, which sets out what the transition to a green economy means for businesses. More

2011 Global Green Economy Index

The 2011 Global Green Economy Index (GGEI) is a comprehensive analytic tool offering stakeholders in the green economy a robust system to track, analyze and improve upon both the perceptions and performance of national green economies. More

Green Economy Coalition reveals their initial policy thinking for Rio+20

At the UNDPI Conference the Green Economy Coalition, the largest coalition of organisations working on a green economy, opened up discussion on their initial policy thinking for Rio+20 in order to accelerate the transition to greener, fairer economy. More

The Challenges for Rio+20

The Rio+20 Conference is now less than a year away. Rio+20 presents a unique opportunity for countries of the world to come together to respond to the multiple economic, social and environmental crises afflicting humanity by resolving to shift boldly to a greener and more socially inclusive pathway towards growth and development. More

Rio+20 must ‘unenvironmentalise’ green issues, says G77 negotiator

At the UNDPI Conference the Green Economy Coalition, the largest coalition of organisations working on a green economy, opened up discussion on their initial policy thinking for Rio+20 in order to accelerate the transition to greener, fairer economy. More

Investor Led Coalition Calls for UN Declaration Requiring Companies to Integrate Material Sustainability Issues Into Reporting

A coalition of institutions led by Aviva Investors, will today call on United Nations’ member states to develop a global policy framework that requires listed and large private companies to integrate sustainability information throughout their annual report and accounts – or explain why they are unable to do so. More

The Next Global Debt Crisis

Today’s global sovereign debt crisis is keeping a lot of government and business leaders up at night. But another global debt crisis is brewing that, while invisible to most CFOs and finance ministers, threatens to unleash long-term economic hardships that make today’s recessionary worries seem trivial. More

Obama’s global green tax

We are now beginning to grasp the definition and the scope of the words “new world order,” an expression inserted into the U.S. political vocabulary by the first President Bush. He never defined it, leaving that task to his successors, and President Barack Obama is only too glad to expand its meaning. More

Cuba: Breaking corporate power allows sustainable development

Cuba is a world leader in ecologically sustainable practices. It is the only country to have begun the large-scale transition from conventional farming, which is heavily dependent on fossil fuels, to a new agricultural paradigm known as low-input sustainable agriculture. More

“Collectif Rio+20” ‘s contribution to Rio+20

Collectif Rio+20 have prepared a document summarising their preparations for Rio+20. More

UK Government: ‘Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy: government and business working together’

The UK government has produced a new publication on the green economy: ‘Enabling the Transition to a Green Economy: government and business working together’, which sets out what the transition to a green economy means for businesses. More

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