Compilation Document Submissions
BOND-DEG – UK NGO’S Joint Rio+20 Narrative
Humanity faces critical decisions. The scale of our current economic crisis will soon be overshadowed by the impending environmental crisis in both impacts and costs. Over the past 50 years our current global economic model has failed to deliver the sustainable society that we need. More.
Stakeholder Forum – Rio+20 Zero Draft Submission
The total population of the world has just passed seven billion and is continuing to increase. Everywhere people aspire to higher living standards and higher levels of consumption. There is growing concern about the capacity of the world’s natural resources to provide food, energy and other materials to sustain this growing demand. More.
Alliance for Future Generations Rio+20: Open Challenge Paper
The Alliance for Future Generations is a group of individuals and organisations who have agreed to work to ensure that long-termism and the needs of future generations are brought into the heart of UK democracy and policy processes, in order to safeguard the earth and secure intergenerational justice. More.
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