Rights at Rist at the United Nations
We – the civil society organizations and social movements who have responded to the call of the United Nations General Assembly to participate in the Rio+20 process – feel that is our duty to call the attention of relevant authorities and citizens of the world to a situation that severely threatens the rights of all people and undermines the relevance of the United Nations… More |
Intergrating across sectors: the climate, energy and water nexus
While the Rio+20 negotiations continue in New York, a major international conference, titled Planet Under Pressure, is being held in London. Focusing on solutions to the global sustainability challenge, it will provide scientific advice to the world’s governments, on reforms required for sustainability, writes Dr Jamie Pittock, The Australian National University and US Studies Centre … More |
Greening the Human Development Index: Accounting for all pillars of sustainability
Economic growth is an engine for development, writes Chuluun Togtokh, Sustainable Development Institute at National University of Mongolia. However, there are two key issues from sustainability point of view that need to be addressed; that of the equal distribution of wealth among populations within countries, and whether economic growth itself can be green. In order to address these issues, I am proposing a new sustainability index composed of wealth, equity and environment… More
Sustainability: Reassessing what we count and measure
There is much to like about the UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel report, ‘Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing’, writes Professor Sir Partha Dasguptha, IHDP. The Panel acknowledges past successes, while recognising the failure, and indeed inability, of the current global political-economic order to implement the drastic changes necessary to bring about what could truly be deemed sustainability… More |
Mountain knowledge solutions to strengthen the water, energy and food security nexus
Sustainability at every level, from an individual household to the global community, depends on secure supplies of, and equitable access to, water, food, and energy, writes David Molden, ICIMOD. Mountains play a vital role in this nexus, particularly in the provision of water… More |
How to measure progress after Rio+20? Sustainable Development Goals for all
Current discussions about measuring progress after Rio+20 and the establishment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are in danger of focusing mainly on the developing world, writes Derek Osborn, President, Stakeholder Forum. There needs to be equal emphasis on establishing goals for the sustainability transition in the developed world and the emerging economies… More |
A Youth Intervention
As we approach the end of the March negotiations, I worry that we are taking steps backwards in a number of areas, not forwards, and I am fearful that we have failed to grasp fully the task that lies ahead, writes Lloyd Russel-Moyle, European Youth Forum. Yesterday, we presented to the Executive Coordinators three main points that are the top of our agenda: Participation that matters, Governance with teeth, and a Rights-Based Approach. The details of this intervention are as follows… More |
Sustainable Development + Rule of Law = Safeguarding the future for generations to come
Yesterday saw the launch of the World Congress on Justice, Governance and Law for Environmental Sustainability – a congress of Judges, Attorneys-General, public prosecutors and Minister of environmental justice and many other experts in the legal world, writes Kirsty Schneeberger, Stakeholder Forum . The congress aims to bring the importance of implementation, compliance, and enforcement to the centre of the Rio+20 outcomes… More |
News from the Negotiations – Synthesis of Plenary Sessions Monday, 26th March
As a continuation of last week’s informal-informal negotiations, the co-chair announced that Monday morning’s plenary would continue to have open seating and no formal list of speakers, writes Emma Puka-Beals, Mount Holyoke College. The co-chair then stated that the day’s negotiations would begin with a statement by the G77+China on sections III, IV and V of the Zero Draft – which the group had been not prepared to comment on last week – followed by a second read through of the Zero Draft. .. More. |
Quote of the day
The call for a radical paradigm shift has been made once again. Our challenge now will be to follow up words and recommendations with action.
Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta Chair of the Scientific Committee, IHDP and Professor Anantha Duraiappah, Executive Director, IHDP
Outreach is a multi-stakeholder magazine which is published daily at Rio+20 Intersessional and Preparatory Meetings. The articles written are intended to reflect those of the authors alone or where indicated a coalition’s opinion. An individual’s article is the opinion of that author alone, and does not reflect the opinions of all stakeholders.
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