Earth Debates: dissecting the green economy
Over the past 4 months, in the heart of London, the Natural History Museum, British Council and Stakeholder Forum have hosted a series of debates to build momentum and drive dialogue in the run-up to Rio+20, writes Georgie Macdonald, Stakeholder Forum. Last week saw the closing event, bringing together conclusions from the series.. More |
It’s up to all of us: conclusions from the Closing Earth Debate
We all share the responsibility in reducing our consumption and preserving our environment, but leadership by governments and business is urgently required, especially in the run-up to Rio+20. This was the overwhelming message communicated by the guests at the Closing Earth Debates Dinner last Thursday (26th April)… More |
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition’s road to Rio
Rio+20 provides a historic global opportunity to create a more sustainable future. We urgently need to address the sustainability of our capital markets. This is why, in September last year, Aviva Investors convened the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Coalition, writes Steve Waygood, Aviva Investors… More |
International Insights on the Green Economy
The following four articles are written by the British Council’s Green Ambassadors who took part in the Closing Earth Debate Dinner, details of which are on page 2. In order to inject international perspectives into the Earth Debates, British Council invited forty delegates from countries around the world, to take part in an all day workshop on Rio+20 and the Earth Debate. Participants discussed the topics covered in the Earth Debates series – adding experiences from their countries – and prepared short statements, which they presented to their tables at the dinner in the evening… More
Feeding the Future: sustainable solutions for food security
Organic and other agro-ecological farming systems can help the world feed itself, but in addition to changing our farming systems, we need to eat differently, waste less food and change how we feed our livestock, writes Jim Kitchen Green Ambassador and Project Manager, Soil Association, Northern Ireland. These are the main conclusions from a recent Soil Association report, Feeding the Future… More |
Sustainable Cities
In 2010, 84% of Brazilians lived in cities. More than 50% of the Earth’s human population share space, systems, resources and rules – in cities, writes Laura Valente de Macedo Sustainability Policies and Management Consultant, Brazil. Consequently, encouraging the debate about this complex ‘human ecosystem’ is essential… More |
Valuation of ecosystem services and its role in green economy and society
The implementation of the valuation of ecosystem services (VES) into policymaking represents a great opportunity to create a better, more equal and greener society. Given the vast and often unrecognised reliance of humans on biodiversity and ecosystems, it is crucial to appreciate the value they bring to people and the economy, writes Tomas Badura, IEEP… More |
Beyond Rio+20: sustaining momentum and focusing action
Rio+YOU and MyCity+20 are enablers: they inspire and inform, and get people hooked on this crazy idea that you don’t need permission from anybody to start changing the world, and make it more sustainable, writes Nicolò Wojewoda, Road to Rio+20. But they’re just the beginning, the first step in what is a locally-based, globally-coordinated, and action-oriented long-term effort… More |
The future we want for people and the planet
On 26 April, the Royal Society published its ‘People and the planet’ report, the result of a 21 month study, conducted by 23 experts from around the world, including representatives from China, Brazil, India, Malawi and Ethiopia writes Marie Rumsby, Royal Society. The report focuses on the critical links between population, consumption and the environment, and what they mean for sustainable development efforts… More |
A generation seeks to mold the future
‘We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children’ goes a Native American Proverb. As world leaders meet to make decisions on our future at Rio+20, they must consider that youth have the most important voice, as the inheritors of the impacts of their decisions, writes Willice Okoth Onyango National Chairperson, The International Youth Council Kenya Chapter and Co-founder-Kenya Youth Network for Rio+20 and Beyond… More |
Incorporating intergenerational equity within international environmental law
The notion of intergenerational equity springs from the idea that it is unfair for the current generation to limit the choices of future generations by destroying natural resources, and it appears throughout international environmental law, writes Mary Turnipseed, University of California. Since the 1972 Stockholm Declaration, international environmental instruments have repeatedly invoked the need to protect the interests of future generations. .. More |
Rio+20 is just another conference, writes Charlie Young, New Economics Foundation To the detriment of 2011, 2012 is meant to be the year the world wakes up from its dopamine stupor and the tide turns. This year, we are led to expect, will deliver a ‘sea-change’ in our relationship with the planet… More |
Only One Earth
Only One Earth, the new book by Felix Dodds and Michael Strauss with Maurice Strong, will be released on 1st June 2012… More |
Missing voices: green business leaders speak out about Rio+20
Nearly 100 sustainable business leaders crowded into the 10th floor of the UN Church Center on May 1st, to join a conversation with Chantal Line Carpentier, Sustainable Development Officer and Major Groups Program Coordinator of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and other UN representatives writes Martha Shaw, Earth Advertising – 360º media… More |
Pledge for a Better Planet
This June, world leaders, government officials, the private sector and NGOs will gather in Rio de Janeiro for Rio+20. This conference will provide world leaders and decision makers a platform to discuss urgent issues facing the world including social equity, poverty and environmental protection writes Krushil Patel, Zoological Society of London. In the build up to, and during, Rio+20, many initiatives and projects are being undertaken to involve the participation of people from around the world… More |
Reflections on the negotiations – Wednesday 2nd May
“Only six more days of negotiations…are we ever going to finish?” Concerns were heard everywhere today as the negotiations this week have drastically slowed down, largely due to the Co-Chair’s real-time presentations of new text proposals and attempts to come to agreements on the most critical issues for Member States writes Naomi Kumazawa, MGCY/Environmental Partnership Council… More |
Quote of the day
Some have dreams of Rio that reach far into the future. I have a very concrete dream. It is just around the corner: ready to happen – just waiting for some bold Rio negotiators to make it happen. What is that dream? That one year after Rio, all large companies of the world – almost a hundred thousand – will be measuring their impact on sustainable development; and share that knowledge through sustainability reporting.
Teresa Fogelberg, Deputy Chief Executive, GRI
Outreach is a multi-stakeholder magazine which is published daily at Rio+20 Intersessional and Preparatory Meetings. The articles written are intended to reflect those of the authors alone or where indicated a coalition’s opinion. An individual’s article is the opinion of that author alone, and does not reflect the opinions of all stakeholders.
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