Outreach @ CIF 2011 Partnership Forum
On 24-25 June more than 400 stakeholders from 45 nations, including 15 African countries, will gather in Cape Town, South Africa for the 2011 Climate Investment Funds (CIF) Partnership Forum, co-hosted by the African Development Bank (AfDB).
The Forum represents a chance for CIF stakeholders to be heard, to share their experiences of how the CIF is working in their countries, to comment on its effectiveness, to suggest how it may be improved, to discuss on-the-ground achievements and challenges and to assist other CIF stakeholders in applying lessons learned.
All the key players will be in one place
The forum brings together delegates from CIF participant countries, five multilateral development banks (MDB), UN agencies, civil society, indigenous peoples, local communities, private sector, and other stakeholders to discuss and chart the CIF’s strategic directions, results, and impacts. African delegations from Algeria, Burkina Faso, DRC, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia, and Zambia will share their experiences in developing and executing CIF investment plans, discuss achievements and challenges, and learn from fellow CIF pilot countries and expert panellists.
This year’s forum will feature sessions on private sector engagement in mitigation and adaptation investments, scientific updates and guidance on prioritizing actions, climate modelling, and the development of local, clean technology manufacturing industries. The opening plenary, press conference, and sessions on wind power and clean tech manufacturing will be live streamed at http://virtuvent.com/cifpartnershipforum/
For further information on the CIF programme click here.
About the CIF
The $6.5 billion Climate Investment Funds are a pair of financing instruments, which have been designed to support low-carbon and climate-resilient development through scaled-up financing, channelled through the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, and the World Bank Group. In less than three years, the CIF have moved from design to investment planning to disbursement and are now active in 45 countries. In Africa, pledges of $2.6 billion in CIF financing are leveraging additional funds from MDBs and other sources for one regional and 13 national investment plans covering renewable energy and energy efficiency, clean urban transport, climate-compatible development planning, and sustainable forest management initiatives among others.
To view a video introduction to the CIF click here.