Felix Dodds joins the Tellus Institute as an Associate Fellow

At this perilous juncture in human affairs, Tellus Institute works to advance a global civilization of sustainability, equity and well-being through research, education, and action. We are at the cusp of a new historical epoch – the planetary phase of civilization – that binds the world’s people and the biosphere into a single community of fate. But what form of global civilization will emerge in the coming decades? In the face of unfolding crises – cultural antagonism, violent conflict, economic volatility, environmental degradation – pessimists may be forgiven for their dark forebodings and dreamers for their doubts. Or is another world possible?

We live in a challenging era, a time when a culture of greed and mania for growth undermines human amity and degrades the planet. Yet, we still have time and world enough to shape an alternative future where the health of the environment, the breadth of human solidarity, and the quality of lives become the legitimate measures of development and true wealth. The key to such a Great Transition is the capacity and willingness of the world’s citizens to gain new insights, embrace new values, and take common actions.

Tellus is an independent voice for advancing these goals. Rooted in analytic rigor, the Institute’s projects offer visions of hope and strategies for change. Now, more than ever, we are committed to researching critical problems, developing scenarios of the future from the local to the global, and mobilizing networks for a Great Transition.

Felix Dodds said:

“I am very excited about working with the Tellus Institute as an Associate Fellow. There work on scenarios has been  exceptional and I look forward to making a contribution after I leave Stakeholder Forum in September to their work on the Widening Circles which builds on their Great Transition work.”  http://www.tellus.org/about/Dodds.html

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