May newsletter: input and accountability for the SDGs
Can’t view this email properly? Click here for the online version 30 May 2014 Forward to a friend Subscribe Sustainable Development Goals: Tools for input and accountability Stakeholders have...
Can’t view this email properly? Click here for the online version 30 May 2014 Forward to a friend Subscribe Sustainable Development Goals: Tools for input and accountability Stakeholders have...
10 April 2014 Forward to a friend Subscribe Sustainable Development for, and from, the future The fundamental question being considered by governments and stakeholders around the world is ´What...
Can’t view this email properly? Click here for the online version 16 December 2013 Forward to a friend Subscribe Capacity building and stakeholder engagement for the SDGs The process to create the...
11 February 2014 Forward to a friend Subscribe SD2015: Helping stakeholders shape new global goals for humanity’s future “With our partners, Stakeholder Forum is excited to launch the SD2015 programme....
October 7, 2013 Forward to a friend Subscribe World leaders renew commitment to acheive the MDGs and call for summit to develop new global goals Last month world leaders gathered...
August 13, 2013 Forward to a friend Subscribe Rio+20 processes at the opening of the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly The convening of the...
July 10, 2013 Convergence of post-Millenium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals processes Reconciling human development and environmental protection is a challenge that humanity has been struggling with for...
20 May, 2013 Stakeholder Engagement in post-Rio+20 and post-2015 processes Participatory democracy is the idea that involving all stakeholders, at every level, will result in better informed, and more thoroughly deliberated,...
31 January, 2013 Sustainable Development Goals Open Working GroupThe United Nations General Assembly has established an Open Working Group (OWG) that will focus on the design of a set of Sustainable Development...
1 March, 2013 UNEP Governing Council Hundreds of environment ministers, decision makers, scientists, civil society representatives and business leaders came together for the first universal session of the UNEP Governing Council. The purpose...